
陳廷忠 主任、博士
陳牧師原籍馬來西亞,是第六代華僑。自幼對語文、文學發生濃厚興趣,在檳城鍾靈中學修完中學課程後。來墨爾本Monash大學進修化學工程,在一次福音營中信了主,活躍於Overseas Christian Fellowship,後發展華人福音事工。
- 哲學博士,倫敦大學
- 神學碩士,東南亞神學研究所
- 道學碩士,中國神學研究院
- 工程學學士, 莫納什大學
- 《中文聖經註釋:耶利米哀歌》香港基督教文藝出版社,2006.
- 《苦難與智慧-約伯記》與生命的難題- 北京大學.
- 《沙漠教父言行录》- 北京三聯書店.
- 《赤心-詩篇可以這樣讀》 香港,逆天文化出版有限公司 2018.
- “在知識和經曆交織的靈修路上-馬丁路德的屬靈觀“ 选自《義配恩源蕩蕩流-宗教改革五百年文集》 香港德惠文化圖書有限公司,2017.
- ”十誡與敬拜“,选自《古訓今義-十誡的現代詮釋》,明風出版 2021.
- “Chinese Protestant Christianity: A Reappraisal”, INTERFACE 2010 (Australasian Journal).
- ”Spirit Wind -the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit in Global Theology: A Chinese Perspective“, Pickwick Publications 2021.
- ”Proclaiming the Gospel, Engaging the World“, Wipf & Stock Publishers 2021.
- “Gregory of Nyssa’s Mystical Anthropology In The Homilies To The Song Of Song And The Life Of Macrina” at Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church Conference, Melbourne, Australia (2005).
- “Poverty As Riches in The Stories of the Desert Fathers,” at Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church Conference, Melbourne, Australia (2008).
- “Training Leaders in African Missionary Context”, response paper at Second African Mission Conference CCCOWE, Nairobi, Kenya (2008).
- “The Influence of the Church Fathers on John Wesley’s Theology of Grace” at World Chinese Methodist Mission Conference, Theological Forum, Hong Kong (2011).
- “The Wound of Love: The Spirituality of Prof. Frances Young”, World Chinese Methodist Mission Conference, theological Forum, Sibu, Malaysia (2014).
- 學術顧問《道风基督教文化评论》), 香港