
洪情霞 博士
洪老師來自澳門,在浸信會長大,自中學開始活躍於教會的兒童與青少年事工,大學期間更活躍於大學校園事工。大學時蒙召,後到「悉尼宣教聖經學院」(Sydney Missionary & Bible College)修讀「澳洲神學院」(Australian College of Theology)之道學碩士。神學畢業後旋即到悉尼大學修讀哲學博士,研究聖經希伯來文,同時在澳洲及海外多家神學院擔任客座講師。洪老師的研究興趣包括:聖經希伯來文、聖經亞蘭文、詮釋學、舊約釋經等。
- 哲學博士,悉尼大學
- 道學碩士,悉尼宣教聖經學院
- 法學士,澳門大學
- Faithful to the Holy Scripture: A Corpus-Based Study of Contemporary Chinese Translation of the Biblical Hebrew Verbal System in the Story of Joseph,” Fellowship for Biblical Studies Conference, Sydney, Australia, September 2023.
- “從《以西結書》看被迫遷徙人群的身份重塑,”中華神學人協會與漢語基督教文化研究所研討會, 2024年6月。[via Zoom]
- “Bible Translation as Indigenous Reading of the Bible: A Case Study of Chinese Translation of the Hebrew Bible,” Society of Asian Biblical Studies Conference, Taiwan, July 2024.
- “Hebrew Bible Studies in Non-Western Contexts: Challenges and a Way Forward,” European Association of Biblical Studies Conference, Groningen, The Netherlands, March 2025. [via Zoom]
- Fellowship for Biblical Studies
- Society of Biblical Literature